EUROCONTROL publishes SKYbrary, an electronic repository of safety data related to ATM and aviation safety in general. It is built of a hyperlinked network of articles and documents. The article is the building nucleus of the knowledge base. It can contain links to other related articles, to documents stored on the Skybrary bookshelf or to external safety data sources.
EUROCONTROL would like to further develop SKYbrary according to the safety information needs of the widest possible audience into “The single point of reference for aviation safety knowledge”.
Would you be kind enough and provide your feedback by first taking a few minutes to have a look at SKYbrary and then answering the questions in the survey. Your help is very much appreciated. Your opinion on SKYbrary will help to make it better.
Note: The survey is anonymous. All data gathered will be handled with the outmost care only by the SKYbrary team and will only be used to further develop SKYbrary.
I don’t know if you have thought of posting this article (or a paraphrase personal posting) on This site is the Professional Pilots Rumour Network based in the UK but with worldwide membership. PPrune is a very active site covering all aspects of aviation. LSP
Thanks for the tip! I will put a pointer there.
Well, I did submit a small text saying that there was a request from SKYbrary on Roger-Wilco but apparently the moderators did not like the idea of a cross link because the text has still not shown up.