Quote from an airspace user position paper dated 1 July 2003:
“Finally, the airspace users would like to recall that they have resisted the development
of the European Geostationary Overlay System (EGNOS), which has been mainly
developed for political reasons and for which all attempts to build a credible aviation
business case have failed. As a consequence, public funds have to be provided to fund
the entire EGNOS system (development costs as well operational costs). Reference is
made to the AEA, IATA, ERA, IAOPA, IACA joint position paper on the European
Commission’s Communication (COM(2003)123final) on the Integration of EGNOS
into Galileo.”
Read the complete paper here (source: Internet).
Quote from an ESA press release dated 1 October 2009:
“During a press conference today, Mr Antonio Tajani, European Commission Vice-President for Transport Policy, announced the official start of operations for EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. The EGNOS ‘Open Service’ is now available. This allows users to determine their position to within two metres, compared with about 20 metres for GPS alone. The Open Service is provided free of charge.”
Read the complete press release here.
The cartoon dates from Christmas 2003, artist unknown.