Our concept for Roger-Wilco is to make it different. You will judge how successful we are in this endeavor but in the meantime we like to believe that we provide value to our readers in a form and with content that does distinguish us from other, aviation related sites.
This does not mean that we consider the other, sometimes long established, sites inferior in any way. Far from it! We believe that most of them are excellent and provide real value in their specific areas of interest. We also believe that Roger-Wilco is then more of a complementary place, the watering hole you will visit to read up on interesting stories and subjects of common interest either before or after visiting other sites.
In this spirit we are starting a new category called “Say again” where we will bring you news about and from those other places so that after having visited us, you may fly around the internet with a bit more focus. This is in fact the second article in the series; the first one was about an aerial photography site which you can read it here.
But now I would like to tell you about my visit to StuckMic, a site that claims to be the biggest ATC site in the world. Their choice of name is really cute. A stuck microphone (that is what “stuckmic” means) is something both pilots and controllers know all about and hence it is easy to remember.
The site itself is simple graphically but it is well structured and is loaded with features. Registration was simple and after confirming my email address I was ready to roll.
As it befits an ATC site, StuckMic is controller oriented and it has its basis in the US. I will not even begin to list the range of information covered, let it suffice to say that everything is there from child care at the FAA academy to rules and news.
Digging deeper I even found a Social Group called Overseas ATC. Not much in there yet but hey you need time for these things to grow.
I can imagine that for US controllers, StuckMic is a valuable source of useful information. For visitors from abroad this site gives a unique opportunity to peek into the lives, concerns and joys of their colleagues in the States.
StuckMic says that they are more than just a web site, that they are a community, a place you can call home.
This claim is true and I was happy to be a visitor in your home. I will certainly be back and I do not hesitate to recommend others to do the same. Click here to visit StuckMic now.
Check back with us often for more interesting stuff on air traffic management!
This site looks like it will be very informative, but if your concept is to be different, then you better take a look at “Say Again.”
Many thanks for the heads-up! I have changed the title/category to “Station calling”. Hope you will find Roger-Wilco truly useful. Contributions, comments are always welcome.
You are most welcome. Say Again was always one of my favorite AvWeb features. I have bookmarked your site and plan to visit often. Keep up the good work!