Night in the cockpit – Shooting star

Shooting_starIt is Friday again and as usual, we bring you something from the lighter side. Have you ever had the opportunity to sit in a darkened cockpit in the middle of the night, over the ocean with clear skies? The view is nothing short of breath-taking. There are stars above you, in front of you and BELOW you all the way to the horizon… The aircraft is suspended in the middle of a velvet sphere, with billions of stars spread out all over it, motionless yet rushing towards the future. Then all of a sudden you see a shooting star…

My shooting star flared up one night,
I saw her trail.
With mind and heart I tried to catch her,
But of course,
She slipped away.

Shooting stars are always like that,
They just disappear!
Who am I to think differently?
Who am I
To care?

Shooting stars, they never come back,
Not now or another day.
Who am I to try to stop them?
Who am I
To think I may?

Here I am now empty handed,
Under the velvet sky.
The night is gone, life is empty,
And without you
I will surely die.

The airplane sways a little… there are no more shooting stars. But millions of others are there, all waiting for you!

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