The birth of an Airbus 380

Building any aircraft is always a fascinating process that leaves a lasting impression on those who have the good fortune of being able to witness it. Building a remarkable machine like the Airbus 380 magnifies the element of wonder by virtue of its own incredible dimensions.
In the distant past, aircraft factories were exactly that. Places where aircraft were made. These days an Airbus or a Boeing plant is an assembly operation, putting together the diverse parts manufactured to incredibly precise tolerances elsewhere. The parts travel by air, barge and semi-trailers, creating transport logistics problems all their own. But in the end, the miracle never fails to happen: a new aircraft emerges, ready to take to the air.
In the slide series you can download from here courtesy of Airbus, they have assembled the gestation process of the first Airbus 380 showing moments of the prenatal life of this oversized baby most of us have probably never seen before. The birth of a child is always a wonder. The birth of an aircraft is a very close second…
Note: We gratefully acknowledge the copyright of all photographers and authors involved.

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