Italian holiday

fontana_di_treviI hope that after the last three Fridays when I dished up a poem in “The lighter side” have not made you decide not to read the blog on Fridays… I really hope so because it is once again Friday and I have yet another poem for you… As befits its category, these poems are only remotely connected with air traffic management but they were all born in an aviation context. Waiting in a departure hall, sleepless high over the Atlantic Ocean or just seeing a 747 soar into the air… Anyway, hearing the name of the Italian airline Alitalia, you cannot fail to notice the inherent melody in it. You almost hear a gondolier in Venice singing the latest ad for the Italian carrier. Here is something then, inspired by an Alitalia flight.

I envy the sun for it has seen you,
In Rome throwing in Trevi’s a dime,
Faring the canals of Venice,
Your eyes brighter than the blue Italian sky.

I envy the people who have seen you,
Lying on that Mediterranean beech,
Strolling the streets of Naples,
Your skin the color of honey and peach.

I envy the sea for it has embraced you,
Without a care in the world, so happy,
Swimming in the blue green waters,
Your hair shiny and soft like a seal-puppy.

I envy the wind for it has caressed you,
Water droplets like pearls on your face,
Standing tall and proud on the sand,
Your lips salty, body the image of grace.

I envy the sun, the wind, the sea,
Even if I sent them to watch over you,
Where I couldn’t be.

Arrivederci cara!

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