The new SESAR web site

logoI guess it is a sign of the times that one of the measures of an organization’s maturity is the version number of its web site. Low numbers (say from 1 to 3) tend to be a real pain and it is usually only after version 5 that one is faced with a style, clarity and ease of finding things that rate a compliment.
The first version of the SESAR web presence was visibly an affair that had to be put together in a hurry and it was a real, classical version 1. But the designers of the new SESAR web presence have dispensed with the go-slow tradition and created something really nice for version 2.

It is visually attractive, the placement of the information is logical and most everything can be reached with a maximum of 3 clicks. This is quite an achievement since SESAR is actually so many things at the same time! It must have been quite an exercise to agree what should come where, on which level and so on. The result is very good.
I was particularly pleased to find that the new style is not skin deep only. All the pages have gotten the same look and feel and logical arrangement so one does not get that odd, half finished impression that is so often the case when a web site is refreshed on the top level only.
My only small complaint concerns the rather intrusive and busy “picture” on the home page. The information being repeated endlessly is not that interesting really and it needlessly draws one’s eyes away from the much more important elements. I do like pretty pictures but there are better ways of making a site striking. But this is a small thing and easy to repair (if indeed it needs to be repaired).
Check out the new SESAR web site here.
Congrats guys, well done.

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