2010 ICNS Conference – Call for participation

The 2010 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) conference will take place on May 11-13 2010 at the Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel in Herndon, VA. The conference this year is by-lined as “The challenged of NextGen, new issues for aviation’s future”.
The Conference, jointly sponsored by government, civil and military, and industry, addresses long term research and development and early implementation of integrated CNS technologies needed to Enable NextGen.

The Conference is focused on providing understanding of CNS programs, longer term plans, standards development (RTCA, etc.), research, ICNS technologies, and the New Issues for Aviation’s Future that accompany NextGen.
Each day begins with a plenary session. Tuesday morning is all about Accelerating Implementation and Integration (I&I). Wednesday morning will focus on Interagency Systems Transformations, addressing multi-agency (DoD, DHS, and FAA) information sharing, and policies and procedures needed to insure airspace security while improving the support for each agency’s primary mission. NextGen Beyond 2018 is the topic for Thursday’s plenary.
Every afternoon, parallel technical sessions will be held on specific ICNS topics.

Papers and presentations are requested for the technical sessions along the key topical areas listed below. Exhibits and product demonstration by representatives of CNS-related Industries/Organizations are also invited.
 CNS Systems Architectures
 Navigation
 Standards for CNS/ATM
 Safe Air Transportation System
 Performance-Based ATM
 Trajectory Based Operations
 Air/Ground Integration
 Military Operations in NextGen
 Communications
 Surveillance
 Information Sharing Environment (NCO)
 Secure Air Transportation System
 Improved Environmental Performance
 Aircraft/Airline Operations for NextGen
 Federal Aviation Incentives and/or Mandates
Student Paper Competition
The DATC and AESS are sponsoring a student paper competition for the 2010 ICNS. Active students and professionals within two years of graduation are eligible for ICNS Student Best Paper awards. Papers eligible for these awards must be tagged as “Student” when submitted.
Abstract Submission
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 750 words by February 19, 2010 on any of the topics listed. Please submit your abstract via the ICNS Conference Abstract Submission form.
Follow-up Deadlines
 Notification of acceptance will occur by March 8, 2010.
 Final Papers are encouraged for publication in the proceedings and are due April 16, 2010.
 Conference Presentations are due April 30, 2010.
You can find the conference web site here.

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