TITAN, the EC 7th Framework project focusing on optimizing the turnaround process, held its first Workshop on 17 March. The purpose of the Workshop was to collect information on the turnaround as it is to-day, make an inventory of the problems and develop initial thoughts about possible solutions.
There was a good turnout, with airlines, airports, handling companies and ATC all represented. EUROCONTROL was there and the SESAR Joint Undertaking was also represented on the expert level.
The workshop was run very effectively using a formula that kept everyone busy and eager to contribute to the discussion.
The new TITAN brochure, seen already the week before at ATC Global in Amsterdam, was also available to participants of the Workshop to take with them and spread the news about TITAN.
We will be bringing you a more detailed account of the Workshop once the results have been analyzed and the conclusions formulated. Watch this space!