It is always with pride and great pleasure that we bring news of the successes and achievements of our contributors and experts featured in our articles. This time it is Christophe’s turn. We introduced him recently in the “Interesting People, Unusual Flight Plans” series and now we can bring you the happy news that Christophe has accepted a position with SAIC for the FAA that will be a continuation of his previous contribution to the CNS/ATM world in the EU and the US. He will be working at FAA Headquarters in Washington D.C.
The tasks of the Senior Regulatory Analyst (as his new post is called) include:
Provide technical support to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Safety (AVS) and Avionics Systems Branches (AIR-130) supporting the FAA Next Generation Air Transportation System Initiatives.
Provide technical interaction and support with Industry, government/industry standards/regulators, development bodies such as RTCA and others.
Provide technical interaction with international standards/regulators organizations such as EUROCAE and Aviation Safety Bodies such as European Organization for Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), and other experts in the aviation industry.
Provide professional services involving the analysis and study of aviation technical and operational issues and advises on methods and techniques to improve aviation system work processes, procedures, resources, management controls, information systems, documentation and similar functions.
Based upon study findings, develop detailed recommendation on methods, procedures to apply and alternative means to improve aviation system performance.
Develop project plans and determine resource needs and allocations.
Determine information requirements and devise methods to secure it.
Work in concert with team leaders and members engaged in the analysis and study of complex aviation technical and operational issues.
That Christophe will not have time to get bored is sure! On the other hand, having worked with him I am also sure that he will be a great asset to the FAA, performing his tasks with the quality and timeliness that have always been a “Hamel trade-mark”.
Christophe, congratulations!!!!