A-CDM project launched in Vienna – about time too!

If you read my rants and raves (here and here) about how collaborative decision making (CDM) was not really working in Vienna, you will be surprised to hear that there is in fact a CDM team there, imaginatively called CDM@VIE and they had a kick-off event with 60 or so participants on 6 September this year. None too soon I would say.
At the kick-off event handling, stand and gate coordination, airline and terminal management, slot coordination and General Aviation were all represented. Controllers from Austro Control were there and representatives of Austrian Airlines, Fly Niki and Fraport also turned up.
EUROCONTROL presented the basics of CDM and the Vienna team introduced their project. Thereafter, 20 experts attended a two day train-the-trainer course. This is strange of course… How many people are dealing with CDM in Vienna if they need 20 trainers?
Anyway, based on recent experience, they will have their tasks cut out for them. If they succeed, with a bit of luck, we will no longer have to go through security twice within 10 minutes and mad rushes between gates will also be a thing of the past.

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