ATC Global – Separating the vision from the reality?

My apologies but I stole that title from the ATC Global 2011 web site. I did this because I wanted to make sure that their slogan for the year is an error and not what the industry will get dished out at the event itself. Separating the vision from the reality is an ominous thing to say… Is it not so that first you have a vision and then you go through all the kinks and bends so that in the end you realize that vision? SESAR and NextGen both have a vision and I do not think they would want to see a future reality that has been separated from their vision!

When you go to the registration page, things are a bit better: A single global ATM system – The vision and the reality. But this is still a slogan that on first sight suggests that there may be something wrong with the vision…
Why did they not say “From vision to reality?”
With SESAR promising to present details of Release 1 at ATC Global one can only hope that the conference slogans are just an unfortunate mistake and not a heads-up about what is to come…

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