If you are delayed – now at least you can watch a SESAR video

A few days ago my attention was directed to a new video produced by SESAR. It was tagged: watch this video to see the future of flying. Perhaps a bit too lofty a claim for SESAR but ok, enthusiasm is not a bad thing.
What struck me first and foremost was the dynamism of the little clip. It really manages to grab the viewer by the collar and take them along for the ride. Feels a bit like the push you feel when take off power is applied and your plane starts to accelerate down the runway.
The content itself is less impressive. Lots of numbers with the visuals only so so. At first I was at a loss to understand why such a video got produced in the first place. For those in the know the numbers were not new at all and in any case at this point in time one would expect to have the focus on the achievements rather than the promises.
A quick email exchange with the SJU clarified the matter, however.
This video clip is for the European citizen and it will be shown in airports, on airline and other web sites and no doubt some enterprising companies will also include it in their on-board videos, you know the bits that show you images of your destination just before landing. I guess it will be fun reviewing the planned improvements while your flight is holding over London.
With the upcoming debate over SESAR, someone must have felt the need to involve the citizenry and sell them the SESAR message. Nothing wrong in that. I would even say the clip is quite good and fit for the purpose.
Will passengers notice it? Perhaps…
Have a look here.

1 comment

  1. The video should have been done years ago when the Sesar development phase was in progress, it’s now years late.
    I agree with you on the fact that now the achievements should be shown. But then I’m sitting here waiting for my bag…….

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