I am sure that many of our readers are like me. Wherever we go, we haul with us a camera and we snap away at everything that takes our fancy with aircraft and related stuff taking a prominent role. Some of those photos will turn out to be great works of art, others are just so so but they all do record something we thought was worthy of immortalizing.
But taking a closer look at some of those photos or indeed the aviation world around us you will see that they are full of surprising detail worthy of being shown in their own right.
Image details of human interest, emotions, strange or unique situations, natural phenomena, a pose, a frozen moment… things that one would never have noticed had it not been for the time freezing ability of the camera.
Our archives have a lot of such pictures and details clipped from pictures and I have decided to share them with you for two reasons. I hope you will enjoy them, making your visit to Roger-Wilco that much more worthwhile. Even more to the point is my expectation that these pictures will provide the impetus for you to share your photos or if you do not as yet have things to share, to look around you and get a few interesting viewfinder views to share with the Roger-Wilco community.
Send your contributions (in jpeg format) to info@roger-wilco.net with a short description and we will do the rest.
For starters, here is a gem from a US airport. The guy in the chair is not a client, he is the shoe shiner. I wonder how many clients he lost that day as they passed by not wanting to disturb his sleep….