It is probably the sign of the times but we are being inundated by abbreviations. Just watch your son or daughter write an SMS and you will see how they have caught on to the old secret familiar also in aviation: use abbreviations to express what you want to say and you can say much more in the same space of time… or the SMS as it were.
The old Q-code system is a good example of how abbreviations can be used to communicate effectively when the bandwidth is limited and it is important not to be ambiguous. That aviation still has this propensity to invent new abbreviations is probably due to a family trait that goes back to before even the Q-codes were introduced.
But it is not only abbreviations that make life difficult. Technology is progressing so fast that it is well nigh impossible to keep up. New terms keep coming at us and it is an achievement in itself if we can familiarize ourselves at least with all the new things popping up in our specialist area.
But help is at hand. Check out the free Aero Glossary here. This wonderful repository contains 12000 abbreviations, more than 2000 aircraft codes, more than 8000 airline codes and much much more, with their coverage increasing by the hour. A really nice touch is that you can access the free glossary not only from your PC but also your mobile devices as there are versions for Apple, Android and Windows Phone.
All this is brought to you by Compass Innovative Solutions Ltd. who will be also happy to receive your contributions to the glossary.
Before you ask, let me answer the obvious question. With Wikipedia around, why do we need the Aero Glossary? Wiki is great but I like the focused way Aero Glossary works. It also brings you, in an easy to navigate way, things that do not fit well with Wiki’s format. Just think of country or airline codes or ATC call-signs and you will see what I mean.
This is a very nice initiative and I will be using it all the time.