Dear Young European Innovators,
I am Kumardev Chatterjee, Founder and President of the European Young Innovators Forum (EYIF).
You will be aware of the competition for the Masterclass on Innovation we launched erlier this year with Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary, and which EYIF organised with the European Commission at its Innovation Convention (IC2011) in Brussels this December. We received a great response with over 60 submissions, from which four winners were invited to participate in the masterclass and present their innovative idea. The Masterclass was a spelndid success for us, the Commission and the candidates, one of whom was selected to have their entire research and innovation funded.
And now we have launched Innotour USA, an Innovation tour of the USA in February for a group of 10 young Europeans, with a full program of visits and meetings, and all travel expenses in the USA paid. The US Department of State via the US Mission to the EU, in collaboration with the European Young Innovators Forum, is responsible for the design, facilitation and managment of this intensive multi-state, multi-city programme to visit major American hubs of Innovation like Boston and Silicon Valley.
From 12-22 February 2012, a delegation of ten young European innovators and entrepreneurs will embark on a ten-day mission to the United States. Starting in Washington DC, they will visit major American hubs of innovation like Boston and Silicon Valley, interact face-to-face with top innovation practitioners and experts, experiencing first-hand best practices of turning innovative ideas into successful projects and businesses. More than just a study tour, Innotour USA is a cultural exchange that will have a broad and lasting impact, building bridges between Europe and the U.S. on a common quest for innovation and development.
You can find details here and on a dedicated Facebook page here.
Please note that the application deadline is 5 January 2012, so if you are interested act NOW!