Aviation can also be a great theme for Bible School!

Destin is a wonderful little vacation village in sunny Florida, USA. First Baptist Church Destin is a newly reinvigorated congregation that is well known in the region for some of its activities, including the yearly Bible School that kicks off to-day.
Monday morning a helicopter owned by Timber View, a Wellsville, Kansas operator with equipment stationed in Destin providing airborne tours for tourist will set down on the parking lot of First Baptist Church and children from 4 years to 5th grade will start a week of Vacation Bible School.
With arms extended and imaginations pulling wheels up, those who attend will take a tour of the world to see God’s Amazing Wonders.
They’ll rally in the Worship Hangar each morning at nine then they’re off to Bible study at Victoria Falls, Missions Under the Northern Lights, Music at the Matterhorn, Crafts at the Great Barrier Reef, Recreation at the Grand Canyon and Snacks at Paricutin Volcano.

A Timberview Helicopter...

Guests for the week will include a diver bringing video of his Great Barrier Reef dive, pilots with major size model planes from Eglin Air Force Base Aero Modellers, and more.
It’s a week of wonders, cleared for take off, for children to watch amazing things and encounter God, all against the backdrop of some of the world’s most marvelous natural wonders.
This year’s theme: Awesome God! Amazing Power! based on Psalm 147:5 “Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite.

We wish all the very best for this great initiative.
Entryway to the Bible School locales

Amazing wonders...

The classroom hallway...

The classroom, all ready and awaiting the kids...


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