The objective of the 1st NEWO project Workshop is to identify new operational approaches for the queue management of departures in the air transport network. The approach is to explore complex networks solutions for solving capacity problems at nodes/edges implying the application of prioritisation criteria for the distribution of elements in the network. Isdefe’s team will raise the problem and experts from ATM but also from other domains related to the management of complex networks such as logistic, energy and telecommunication will discuss about any potential solution that is applied in their domain and which could be mirrored in the air transport world. Innovative ideas will be captured by means of Expert Groups, questionnaires and brainstorming sessions.
The contribution and knowledge of the experts from different domains (logistics, energy, ICT, air transport…) is appreciated. The event will:
- Provide an occasion for cross-fertilisation and for the attendees to be acquainted with researchers in diverse domains dealing with complex networks (logistics, transport, energy networks, ICT, etc.)
- Explore the applicability of past and on-going research in complex networks to the particular case of Air Transport and,
- Exchange views on management approaches for prioritization of elements in complex networks.
The workshop is open to participation and interests are gathered by the workshop point of contact. Funding for attendance is also available on a “first-come first-served” basis. Contributions other than attendance to the workshop are welcomed through downloading and filling the questionnaire you can find under the “Documentation” heading on the NEWO webpage and sending it to the NEWO WS point of contact.
You can download the workshop brochure here.