No Time for Tact

By Larry Winget
Publisher: Penguin Group
ISBN: 978-1-592-40503-9
What about having your very own pocket advisor, a little book that contains a few wise words for every day of the week… A little book you open at the breakfast table and read that day’s advice which will amuse you, make you angry, set you thinking but will never leave you unimpressed.
Larry’s manner is anything but smooth (the title “No time for tact” is no accident) but what he says will make you come back for more. Each day, every day.
He holds a mirror to your face and at first you will think it is a mirror that distorts reality. After a time, you will realize that it was you who distorted reality to make it fit with your particular weaknesses.
Larry does not mince words and he calls a spade a spade. It is not his fault that you suddenly realize just how many things you have done wrong. Don’t blame Larry. Blame yourself.
What about this: Stress comes from knowing what is right and doing what is wrong. Or: You can never build yourself up by tearing others down.
Sounds simple? Yes, reading it now would, would it not. But if you were asked to come up with the same simple things before reading them here, would you have been able to? I thought so…
Here is one more, something that may be a little more contentious: Constructive criticism is a stupid concept. To construct means to build up. To criticize is to tear down. Pick one. You can’t do both at the same time.
And so it goes on and on, food for thought for every day of the year.
Whether you read this book day by day or in one go on a Sunday afternoon, you will put it down wiser and better prepared for whatever life will throw at you.
Highly recommended.

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