Impressions – time-warp in the departure hall

WaitingThose who travel a lot, and most of us aviation types do, know the feeling. Waiting in the departure hall for you connection, for your delayed flight, for zillions of other reasons. You can of course work, eat, buy presents but whatever you do, time always seems to slow to a crawl. Time is relative… Einstein was a genius for figuring this out all on his own, without an airport.
But if you look around you, at the bustling mass of humanity, you can play with thoughts like where are they going? Why are some happy and the others tearful? What are they all hauling in their bags which are all different yet also the same as dictated by the cabin baggage rules? Why are some flying with this airline and others with that? Who is that girl with the long black hair, perfect figure and enchanting eyes?
Time is starting to speed up already. As we know from Einstein, when time speeds up, strange things can happen. Close your eyes and listen to your thoughts…

The fullness of your hair, I’ve never felt.
The twinkle in your eyes, I’ve never seen.
The softness of your touch, I’ll never know!
Impressions, impressions, that’s all you are,
Yet I miss you so much, I could cry.

How sweet is your smile? I can only guess.
Do you sometimes cry? No answer to that quest.
Are you the sunshine for somebody? Ah, he must be so happy!
Do you like the night, the shooting stars?
Do you make a wish when you see them fly?

Don’t answer me, close your eyes!
Let me tell you what you are.
Impressions, impressions, that’s what you are to me,
Mystery lady, shooting star,
Sweet memory

If you open your eyes, she will be gone… but if you keep them closed, you will hear her reply…Impressions

Feel the fullness
Of my hair!
See the twinkles
In my eyes!
Know the softness
Of my touch!
Impressions, impressions, can’t you see,
I am so much more than just a memory!
How sweet is my smile?
You can’t begin to guess!
Do I sometimes cry?
What is all this quest!

Yes, I like the night,
The shooting stars,
And I did make a wish
When I saw them fly!

So open your eyes and look at me!
What do you see? Impressions only?
Or your destiny…

Is she really there or are you dreaming? Before you decide another voice caresses your heart… Almost the same words yet so totally different!Impressions

The fullness of my hair
Is yours to feel!
The twinkles in my eyes
Are yours to see!
The softness of my touch
Is yours to know!
Impressions, impressions, can’t you see,
I am so much more than just a memory!
How sweet is my smile?
You don’t have to guess,
My lips are smiling,
They’re yours to try and test.
I like the night,
When you are here,
Together we make a wish,
For the shooting stars to hear!

Do I ever cry?
Not if you stay,
Not if I am the sun
And you, the object of my ray.

So open your eyes and look at me!
You will be blinded,
Yet you will see…

BoardingOpen your eyes and board that plane… time has become normal again.

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