Change! Innovation! Vision 2050!
The most important multistakeholder high level roundtable congress in Brussels in
December 2010.
This is the aerospace event of the year where decision maker of the most leading European industry, politics and research meet.
The key objective of the Conference is to present and discuss the strategic issues facing European Aerospace in the light of the economic and environmental realities of the day, as well as the challenges and opportunities posed by the European political choices as the Union charters its way ahead for the next decade and beyond.
Aerospace drives innovation in science and technology, providing technology transfers and spill-over benefits to a variety of other economic sectors. Beyond its socio-economic importance, the Aerospace sector is also a powerful driver of European integration and can be considered as a vital part of the EU economy. But in the face of growing challenges stemming from climate change, much more needs to be done.
The skills and competences of its workers are a major component of EU’s productivity, sustainability and innovation.
In recent years however, there has been a marked decrease in interest in scientific studies among young people, resulting in a worsening mismatch between the needs for new skilled engineers and technicians, and the number of graduates provided by the education system. Public authorities, educational establishments and industry must join forces to reverse the trend.
These are some of the main topics to be discussed at the Conference, which is an integral part of the forthcoming ASD Aero Week (Brussels, 29 November – 3 December 2010). In order to do this, the ASD/CEAS will bring together representatives of EU institutions, national governments, nongovernmental
agencies, industry, research institutes, financial community and the media.
The Conference registration fee includes the attendance of the whole conference, lunch on the first day and all coffee breaks as well as the Conference Dinner.
For more information, click here.