The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

CPDLC… Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. It all started when experts predicted that with the increasing demand, congestion on the air traffic control frequencies will make communications impossible and hence a cap will have to be put on the number of aircraft being served simultaneously, severely restricting ATC capacity. CPDLC is in fact non-verbal communications… Continue reading The Mortal Sin of not Taking CPDLC Seriously

Test your knowledge of airport characteristics!

Fact: there are on average more than two runway incursion events in Europe every day. A lot of effort is going into eliminating the reasons for runway incursions… These range from improving procedures to increasing awareness of pilots, air traffic controllers and ground vehicle drivers of the dangers a runway represents. Now you too can… Continue reading Test your knowledge of airport characteristics!

The Case for LED Aerodrome Lighting

Aerodromes used also at night and in reduced visibility conditions rely on a variety of lights to guide aircraft on the ground and on approach to the runway. These lights must meet extremely stringent requirements set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The requirements range from color temperature… Continue reading The Case for LED Aerodrome Lighting

Will EUROCONTROL's New DG Rebuild an Old Dream?

Once upon a time, EUROCONTROL had been created to be the air navigation service provider for Europe. Operating a limited number of air traffic control centers, a research institute and a training facility, it would have been the key to an efficient set up not unlike what we find in the United States. Unfortunately, before… Continue reading Will EUROCONTROL's New DG Rebuild an Old Dream?

FAA Will Review Boeing 787 Design and Production

In light of a series of recent events, the FAA will conduct a comprehensive review of the Boeing 787 critical systems, including the design, manufacture and assembly. The purpose of the review is to validate the work conducted during the certification process and further ensure that the aircraft meets the FAA’s high level of safety.… Continue reading FAA Will Review Boeing 787 Design and Production

Electronics creeping up on me…

One way of dividing the world population might be to form two groups: readers of Time and readers of Newsweek. I have been an avid reader of Time magazine ever since my English reached a level good enough to peruse the publication in the mid-sixties. Arrival of the magazine has been the highlight of the… Continue reading Electronics creeping up on me…