Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) – what is this?

We have all grown up with the idea that airspace was the most important single thing aircraft needed. While it is true that aircraft need both air (in which the wings can generate lift) and space (the room to move around in) but airspace? This word has grown over the years and held us hostage… Continue reading Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) – what is this?

Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!

Few parts of aircraft have evolved as little as the communications capability. OK, we no longer use tubes in the radios but other than that, the VHF AM system is as legacy as they come. To add insult to injury, when the shortage of frequencies in the aviation band finally forced the industry to do… Continue reading Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!

Air accident investigation – is Europe moving?

If you purchase a WiFi router or other WiFi piece of gear, you expect it to work anywhere in the world. After all, that is what standards are all about. Except for some channels not being available in the US for example, your expectation is correct. If you inspect the specs on the box however,… Continue reading Air accident investigation – is Europe moving?

In-seat telephones – more than you think

Friday again! Time passes fast… This time in “The lighter side” I would like to recount something that came to me on along flight with plenty of time to get bored with the on-demand movies and games. The only thing left was the in-seat telephone. Contemplating the little hand-set with its shimmering, welcoming lights so… Continue reading In-seat telephones – more than you think

Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Paul Hopff – The winding road to Belgocontrol What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a kid? Until about age 6, I was determined to become a railroad station master, you know the guy with the red cap. But then the aviation bug bit and I never recovered… What moved you to become… Continue reading Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Aerodrome control towers of the world – Budapest, Ferihegy

The origins The Budapest area has had three airports before operations moved to the current location, Ferihegy. The first Hungarian aviation pioneers tried their wings at Rakosmezo, a forlorn and ill-equipped pasture where enthusiasm was the only thing that kept those daring souls in the air. The first “real” airport was at Matyasfold, the second… Continue reading Aerodrome control towers of the world – Budapest, Ferihegy

Competence counts

Listening to the interview with Capt. Sully Sullenburger who successfully ditched his Airbus A320 in the Hudson River after multiple bird-strikes knocked out its engines, I was impressed by his calm, considered and authoritative manner. He is a first class ambassador for airmen throughout the industry. I think I might buy his book. While recognising… Continue reading Competence counts

The birth of an Airbus 380

Building any aircraft is always a fascinating process that leaves a lasting impression on those who have the good fortune of being able to witness it. Building a remarkable machine like the Airbus 380 magnifies the element of wonder by virtue of its own incredible dimensions. In the distant past, aircraft factories were exactly that.… Continue reading The birth of an Airbus 380

The Book of Clouds

By John A. Day Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York ISBN-1-4027-2813-1 Oh no… another book about clouds! I can almost hear you say but hey, why not? Clouds are all around us, you can tell the weather by them (did you know that cloud-types from and dissipate in a precise sequence before and after weather… Continue reading The Book of Clouds