Dream factories…

If someone said to you: Airports are dream factories. Would  you believe it? If your reply is “yes”, you are like me, deeply  in love  with aviation and you do not need to read on. But if you respond with an unimaginative NO, read further and let me prove you wrong.

Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

The word “terrorism” is used in so many security related issues, that the true meaning of it has gone lost. If we look up terrorism in the dictionary the following is displayed: Cambridge Dictionary of American English: “Violent action for political purpose” The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is one of the largest institutions fighting… Continue reading Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

Quote of September 2009

You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side. William Ewart Gladstone – Speech on the Reform Bill (1866)

Same time, same place, same level… 4.

The fire extinguisher – 2 As I said before, the fire extinguishers saw little use, but on the one occasion they were needed,  they  sure  turned into an instrument of calamity. In the old days, before computers became widespread even at airports as small as ours, the message switching center was of the torn-tape type.… Continue reading Same time, same place, same level… 4.

Same time, same place, same level… 3.

The fire extinguisher – 1 The fire hazard at an airport is  a  fact  of  life  one learns to live with very quickly. To overcome complacency,  staff are regularly reminded of the need  to  observe  fire  prevention precautions and a further, constant reminder is also provided  in the form of an abundance of  red,  hand-held … Continue reading Same time, same place, same level… 3.

Banging on an open door?

The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) has just announced that they are launching a specific initiative on flight tracking in oceanic and remote areas. The call for tender (OPTIMI) is meant to select contractor(s) for the performance of a study and flight demonstrations – co-funded for a maximum amount of € 360.000 -aimed at demonstrating the feasibility to implement oceanic tracking… Continue reading Banging on an open door?