Visiting Djibouti… 1

Pre-departure   My work takes me to different places in the world. All of them with their unique challenge and beauty and every time with a different reason for going. Close, far, considered safe or hostile, it doesn’t really matter, we go where we are needed. Our visit to Djibouti started out in Brussels and… Continue reading Visiting Djibouti… 1

Bodyguarding – I'm armed, what could go wrong?

In fact, it is so obvious. Search Google for bodyguard courses and focus on promotional videos posted by the different companies providing the service. Mostly, the first thing you see is a firing range, students in position and drawing, loading and firing in some tactical manner. As the video continues, people demonstrate firing techniques from… Continue reading Bodyguarding – I'm armed, what could go wrong?

Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

The word “terrorism” is used in so many security related issues, that the true meaning of it has gone lost. If we look up terrorism in the dictionary the following is displayed: Cambridge Dictionary of American English: “Violent action for political purpose” The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is one of the largest institutions fighting… Continue reading Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

Two-way communication and the efficiency of public security

Strolling through the center of Brussels today my mind wandered off as my wife was shopping. I started an incognito surveillance of the security staff present in the mall, the different stores and the public areas. Of course, it was not all that hard to pick them out of the crowd, as they all wear… Continue reading Two-way communication and the efficiency of public security

Teach for the future

In every conflict, be it in business, world clashes, local disputes or the upbringing of our children, we have always said: “learn from the past.” Learning from the past For this reason even military academies study ancient wars and tactics used therein to teach their future military leaders. In my domain, security, we do the… Continue reading Teach for the future