The clash of VDL Mode 4 and VDL Mode 2 Following years of testing and discussions on countless forums, VDL Mode 2 was emerging as the solution that, combined with the ATN protocol, could support the initial implementation of Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. There was nothing else it could do but it had a… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 2
Category: Buzzwords explained
Articles explaining the new terms used in air traffic management
A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1
Introduction Talking to a group of young controllers the other day I suddenly realized that Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications (CPDLC) and its enabler, air/ground digital link were a kind of given for them… Their centre has either already implemented it or had plans for it and while their opinion diverged on the usefulness of… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1
(Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 3.
What is TMR? The abbreviation of Trajectory Management Requirements and an item that has been misunderstood in several ways (some quite surprising). Obviously, the CONOPS did not do a very good job of explaining this simplest of elements (mea culpa…). An aircraft flying its 4 dimensional trajectory will do so with an agreed precision and… Continue reading (Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 3.
(Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 2.
What is a net-centric system? Net-centric, in its most common definition, refers to “participation as a part of a continuously evolving, complex community of people, devices, information and services interconnected by a communications network to optimise resource management and provide superior information on events and conditions needed to empower decision makers.” It will be clear… Continue reading (Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 2.
(Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 1.
The birth of the SESAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS), perhaps not unexpectedly, was not an easy process. Although SESAR is claimed to be a user-driven project, when the airspace users tried to drive the development of the CONOPS, the road proved to be anything but smooth. Plenty of natural and artificial obstacles had to be… Continue reading (Before) all else fails… read the Concept! Part 1.
Trajectory ownership: dogfight or guiding principle?
Few elements of the SESAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS) have generated more controversy than the idea of trajectory ownership did. Regrettably, the controversy still boils. Some experts dismiss the whole thing as a “political dogfight”, others conduct lengthy debates on how trajectory ownership will work (or not work) in daily operations. They are both on… Continue reading Trajectory ownership: dogfight or guiding principle?
Net-centric air traffic management system explained
Net-centric, in its most common definition, refers to “participation as a part of a continuously evolving, complex community of people, devices, information and services interconnected by a communications network to optimise resource management and provide superior information on events and conditions needed to empower decision makers.” It will be clear from the definition that “net-centric”… Continue reading Net-centric air traffic management system explained
Towards a net-centric system
In the numerous descriptions of the future air traffic management system, the term “net-centric” appears over and over. What does net-centric really mean and how will such a system improve safety and flight efficiency? Watch this space for a forthcoming post on this fascinating subject, the latest in our series “Buzzwords explained”.
Trajectory based operations
Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) is a key element of the operational concept of both SESAR and the US NextGen. But what is TBO? It is definitely more than giving direct clearances and getting rid of route structures is an element, but not the essence, of Trajectory Based Operations. We will be publishing a post on… Continue reading Trajectory based operations