EFB Users Forum and Delta Expo – 21-22 April 2010, Atlanta, GA.

The first EFB Users Forum meeting will be hosted by Delta Air Lines at their world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting will be chaired by Captain Alan Kasher, Southwest, and Captain Andreas Ritter, Lufthansa. The EFB Users Forum was formed by airlines to enable aircraft operators to maximize the operational benefit and the economic… Continue reading EFB Users Forum and Delta Expo – 21-22 April 2010, Atlanta, GA.

29th DASC abstract submittal now open!

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of 750 words or less until 19 March 2010. Submit online here. Student papers and ideas for invited sessions are welcome. Please avoid the use of acronyms or abbreviations in the title of the paper. Final manuscripts of selected papers are due 10 August 2010. ——————————————————————————– Track and Session… Continue reading 29th DASC abstract submittal now open!

Categorized as Events

29th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) – Call for participation

The 29th DASC will be held on 3-7 October 2010 in Salt Lake City, UT at the Hilton Salt Lake City Center. It is bylined “Improving our environment through green avionics and ATM solutions”. Conference Chair Bob Lyons has this to say about the 29th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Concern over the environment is very… Continue reading 29th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) – Call for participation

Global AIM Congress – 22-24 June 2010, Beijing, China

The Global AIM Consortium is pleased to announce that the 2010 Global AIM Congress entitled “Building the Future – The transition from AIS through AIM to IM” will be held in Beijing on the 22-24th June 2010. As usual, workshops will be held on the Monday ahead of the Congress, 21 June 2010. The Consortium… Continue reading Global AIM Congress – 22-24 June 2010, Beijing, China

2010 ICNS Conference – Call for participation

The 2010 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) conference will take place on May 11-13 2010 at the Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel in Herndon, VA. The conference this year is by-lined as “The challenged of NextGen, new issues for aviation’s future”. The Conference, jointly sponsored by government, civil and military, and industry, addresses long… Continue reading 2010 ICNS Conference – Call for participation

Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest

Although the concept of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is generally known, when it comes to filling in the details, there is a lot of uncertainty, misunderstandings and even diverging views on what exactly should we understand under PBN. Big organizations like ICAO and EUROCONTROL are doing their best to clarify things but clearly, more is… Continue reading Successful "Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Workshop" in Budapest

Performance Based Navigation Workshop, Budapest 17-18 November 2009 – Reminder

BluSky Services is organising a Performance Based Navigation (PBN) workshop, to be held in Budapest, Hungary on 17-18 November 2009. The event will be hosted by HungaroControl and will take place at their premises. Participation in the workshop is free. As is well known, both IATA and CANSO have expressed their support for PBN and… Continue reading Performance Based Navigation Workshop, Budapest 17-18 November 2009 – Reminder

Performance Based Navigation Workshop, Budapest 17-18 November 2009

BluSky Services is organising a Performance Based Navigation (PBN) workshop, to be held in Budapest, Hungary on 17-18 November 2009. The event will be hosted by HungaroControl and will take place at their premises. Participation in the workshop is free. As is well known, both IATA and CANSO have expressed their support for PBN and… Continue reading Performance Based Navigation Workshop, Budapest 17-18 November 2009