NextGen in trouble?

Why is it almost a given that new air traffic management programs, big and small, usually end up in trouble, fail to deliver their promised benefits or drag on for years swallowing money like there was no tomorrow? We could count on one hand the number of truly successful ATM projects of any significance. Doubts… Continue reading NextGen in trouble?

Equipping for NextGen – where does the cash come from?

If anything, the LINK2000+ program in Europe has shown what a bit of free cash can achieve. Equipping aircraft for Controller/Pilot Digital Link Communications, the raison d’être of LINK2000+, was proving difficult as in the initial phases those who spent on the required avionics would see few benefits and hence there were no takers. Then,… Continue reading Equipping for NextGen – where does the cash come from?

FAA NextGen Implementation Plan (NGIP) 2010 available

The NGIP is a very interesting document, published by the FAA in a new version every year. The latest issue was released in March this year. The purpose of the NGIP is to help inform the public at large about how the Agency plans to implement the Next Generation air traffic management concept over the… Continue reading FAA NextGen Implementation Plan (NGIP) 2010 available

Learn a new abbreviation: NIEC! – NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability

All information seems to suggest that NIEC will play an important role in getting the FAA’s NextGen off the ground. Located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC), Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey, the mission of the NexGen Integration and Evaluation Capability is to foster the exploration, evaluation and integration of NextGen enabling… Continue reading Learn a new abbreviation: NIEC! – NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability

Your project delayed? Come join the club!

It must be horrible to be the project manager of major aircraft programs these days. Look at the Airbus A380, the A400M, the Boeing 787 or the 747-8. They were all delayed by several years and the reasons were often quite pedestrian (like incompatible software or strength calculation errors). It will fall on the Airbus… Continue reading Your project delayed? Come join the club!

FAA releases final rule on ADS-B

It has been some time in coming, but finally here it is, the FAA’s final rule on ADS-B. This final rule amends FAA regulations by adding equipage requirements and performance standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS–B) Out avionics on aircraft operating in Classes A, B, and C airspace, as well as certain other specified classes… Continue reading FAA releases final rule on ADS-B

RTCA NextGen TF report and the FAA's response

RTCA Task Force 5 or by its more catchy title RTCA NextGen Mid-Term Implementation Task Force published its final report on 9 September 2009. This report is in fact a set of recommendations formulated on the basis of industry consensus and is concerned with the improvements desired in the US air transportation system in the… Continue reading RTCA NextGen TF report and the FAA's response