That Apple and Samsung are at each other’s throats over the Galaxy range of smartphones and tabs is no news. Of course if we look at the details, the situation is nothing short of ridiculous. Basically, Apple had claimed originally that not only did the interface on the Galaxy infringe its patents, but the form… Continue reading Intellectual Property Rights – the sky is the limit?
Category: Satellite Navigation
All about GNSS and related fields
Satellite-based landing system certified – GBAS debut at Bremen Airport
The satellite-based precision approach system GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System) has received the German type certification as a primary landing system by the Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services (BAF) and may be used independently of the instrument landing system (ILS) which has been is use for decades for instrument flights. At Bremen Airport,… Continue reading Satellite-based landing system certified – GBAS debut at Bremen Airport
Big brother in the sky
Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) is only now starting to make inroads as a surveillance means more accurate and cost-effective than traditional radar. With the ground infrastructure slowly being built, someone has already come up with a new idea: why not put the ADS-B receivers on satellites and start a surveillance service that covers… Continue reading Big brother in the sky
Jamming GPS – No bad guys needed, the FCC will do it for you!
Whenever a discussion is started about whether or not we should entrust aircraft navigation to GPS, there will be at least one person raising the issue of jamming. This is the specter of a single bad guy with a little black box purchased on eBay for a few bucks creating havoc in air navigation by… Continue reading Jamming GPS – No bad guys needed, the FCC will do it for you!
EGNOS Safety of Life Service Available Since Yesterday
The European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) has officially declared the start of the EGNOS Safety-of-Life Service as of March 2nd 2011 following EC authorisation to provide the service. The EGNOS Safety-of-Life (SoL) Service consists of signals for timing and positioning intended for most transport applications – especially in the domain of aviation- where lives could be… Continue reading EGNOS Safety of Life Service Available Since Yesterday
Troubled Galaxy
That space around planet Earth is teeming with man-mad objects is common knowledge and not so long ago we got a good demonstration of what happens when stray metal hits another satellite. For a time it was unclear where a sizeable piece of junk would fall on the surface of the Earth. The satellites serve… Continue reading Troubled Galaxy