A working group with a wide representation of operational expertise from the general aviation (GA) and rotorcraft communities commenced a study to enhance the SESAR Concept of Operations (ConOps) from a specific GA and rotorcraft perspective. The task of the group is to integrate GA and rotorcraft specific needs to the SESAR ConOps and to… Continue reading GA and rotorcraft experts scrutinize the SESAR Concept of Operations
Category: SESAR’s Palace
Short news from SESAR, both official and unofficial
Why is the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) wary of consultants?
OK, you may say that consultants have made a bad name for themselves and you would be partially right. In some industries some of them have and we all suffer the consequences to some degree. But on the other hand, many companies have found considerable cost savings in the use of consultants who will perform… Continue reading Why is the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) wary of consultants?
Trajectory based operations (TBO) – still not properly understood in SESAR?
Following Henning’s article about the fate of the original SESAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS), I received a slew of mails basically confirming his point of view and worries. Of particular concern seems to have been a document dealing with trajectory management… People who had seen this document were of the opinion that it was little… Continue reading Trajectory based operations (TBO) – still not properly understood in SESAR?
EASA and SESAR to cooperate closely in future
On 10 November 2010, the Executive Directors of the SESAR Joint Undertaking and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Patrick Ky and Patrick Goudou, signed cooperation and working arrangements to secure EASA’s support regarding the implementation of the SESAR work programme. EASA’s expertise is sought in different domains, including impact analysis of new concepts on… Continue reading EASA and SESAR to cooperate closely in future
SESAR and SWIM – things are slowly becoming reality
Good news at long last Not so long ago, I was asked to make a presentation about System Wide Information Management (SWIM) to the participants of a project we are involved in. While most of the audience noted what I said and asked a few relevant questions, there was also a small minority who expressed… Continue reading SESAR and SWIM – things are slowly becoming reality
Air Traffic Management déjà vu
Reading Henning’s article and with my up-close-and-intimate involvement in the SESAR definition phase (and the 20 or so years leading up to it) I could not escape a terrible feeling of déjà vu. This was only strengthened when I read the news about ANSP CEOs rumbling that the performance targets of the EU’s Single Sky… Continue reading Air Traffic Management déjà vu
Is SESAR doing what the airlines intended?
Exclusive interview with Dr. Henning Hartmann Today we bring you an exclusive interview with Dr. Henning Hartmann, who was, during the SESAR Definition Phase with Lufthansa German Airlines and representing the Airspace Users, he was also the person responsible for the development of the SESAR Concept of Operations (ConOps). He will give us his views… Continue reading Is SESAR doing what the airlines intended?
European Parliament adopts resolution on sustainable future for transport
The European Parliament adopted in July a resolution that sets out the priorities for a sustainable European transport policy in the next ten years. The resolution puts high emphasis on a safer, cleaner and more efficient European transport system but also underlines its economic impact and need for more research. Consequently, the report gives reference… Continue reading European Parliament adopts resolution on sustainable future for transport
Are ATM operational concepts the cause of failure?
I have known Jean-Marc Garot, the former director of EUROCONTROL’s Experimental Centre in Paris for a long time. A forward thinker and in many ways a visionary, he retired from EUROCONTROL in 2005. He has now published an interesting article in The Controller magazine with the title “What is an ATM concept?” I think everyone… Continue reading Are ATM operational concepts the cause of failure?
New members in the SESAR family
A family normally gets new members through marriage, birth, adoption… In SESAR this happens via the less glamorous sounding “association” process. As it has just been announced, SESAR now boasts 13 associate partners who were taken on board on the basis of the recommendations of organizations already part of SESAR. The list of new partners… Continue reading New members in the SESAR family