It looks like the longest running and possibly most controversial procurement process in US Air Force history has finally come to an end with Boeing being awarded the $35 billion contract to build the USAF’s next generation airborne refueling platform. Boeing is basing this on the 767 and the contract has given the 767 line… Continue reading Boeing wins $35 billion tanker contract
Tag: 707
Same time, same place, same level…19
EmergencyLight – Phantom Menace Winter flying in real, cold continental climate is hard on pilots, aeroplanes and controllers alike. The somewhat lower traffic volume is frequently offset by the delays resulting from snow and ice on the runway, or the occasional broken-down snow-sweeper… As you will see, cold winter air has a number of its… Continue reading Same time, same place, same level…19
Same time, same place, same level…18
EmergencyLight – Uninvited guests There is no doubt about it, flying to-day is the safest means of transportation. The numbers are well known and to most of us people whose bread comes from one or the other area of civil aviation, driving to and from the airport appears far more dangerous than being up in… Continue reading Same time, same place, same level…18
Same time, same place, samel level…13
VIP – the Very I??? Person Ever wondered what that little red luggage-tag, with “VIP” printed prominently on it, was supposed to signify? Very Idiotic, oh sorry, Important Passenger. There are various ways to earn such distinction and these include flying the same line very, very often or making it to Head of State. The… Continue reading Same time, same place, samel level…13