There is a real feeding frenzy around the future Airbus 320NEO (New Engine Option) with some 1200 orders and commitments having been booked by the manufacturer, almost double of what they expected. Boeing’s answer is the 737MAX and this old/new aircraft is also selling like hot cakes. So how did we get from the NSA and… Continue reading 737MAX, Boeing’s answer to the A320NEO
Tag: 737NE
No new 737 from Boeing. The 737NE is coming instead
When Airbus announced the decision to re-engine the A320 family, as opposed to building an all-new replacement, everyone was looking at Boeing to see how the American giant would respond. Managers and engineers mulled over the issue in Seattle and Chicago while Airbus booked a hefty 1000 orders for the 320NEO (New Engine Option). Initially… Continue reading No new 737 from Boeing. The 737NE is coming instead