BluSky Services is 9 Years Old

BluSky Services, the company also behind Roger-Wilco, was born on 1 April 2003. The aviation world was in turmoil following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and IATA member airlines were pushing the organization to reduce its costs. One result was that they cut lose some of their personnel, in particular those who were dealing with longer… Continue reading BluSky Services is 9 Years Old

9/11 Remembered – The Heroes of United Flight 93

On 11 September this year the US and in fact much of the world marked the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. As we all know, there was also a fourth hijacked aircraft, United Flight 93, most probably assigned to crash… Continue reading 9/11 Remembered – The Heroes of United Flight 93

Margaret Sanders, ATCO – An example to follow

When I first embarked on our project to collect information about women in air traffic control in general and then about the first women air traffic controllers in the US, I did not think about a fact of life that is the other inevitable thing besides taxes… Many of those first pioneering ladies have flown… Continue reading Margaret Sanders, ATCO – An example to follow

SWIM and WikiLeaks – do we need to worry?

For all those who are even a little familiar with the System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept the recent publication of thousands of classified diplomatic documents must have come as a shock. If secret diplomatic correspondence can be hijacked and made public with such ease, what hope do we have of keeping the commercially or… Continue reading SWIM and WikiLeaks – do we need to worry?

Safety briefing – the missing element

This blog is about air traffic management. But, by the nature of our business, we tend to travel more than the average citizen and the pilots among us spend half their life strapped to the aircraft that carry us around. So it is appropriate to say something for once as a passenger rather than the… Continue reading Safety briefing – the missing element

Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

The word “terrorism” is used in so many security related issues, that the true meaning of it has gone lost. If we look up terrorism in the dictionary the following is displayed: Cambridge Dictionary of American English: “Violent action for political purpose” The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is one of the largest institutions fighting… Continue reading Terrorism – The Threat of Possible Attacks

Teach for the future

In every conflict, be it in business, world clashes, local disputes or the upbringing of our children, we have always said: “learn from the past.” Learning from the past For this reason even military academies study ancient wars and tactics used therein to teach their future military leaders. In my domain, security, we do the… Continue reading Teach for the future