The big ACARS scare, air/ground digital link and the iPad. What is the connection?

It is really amazing how things go full circle and if you wait long enough, history repeat itself… even in air traffic management terms. There will be some amongst our readers who still remember how the saga of air/ground digital link began in the late 80s, early 90s. Back then, at about the same time,… Continue reading The big ACARS scare, air/ground digital link and the iPad. What is the connection?

A personal reflection on the AF447 accident

I write from the perspective of a long retired pilot who only flew on old fashioned round dial types (Britannias, VC10s, 707s and 747s). This does not mean that I decry the modern Airbus and Boeing systems – far from it, I think the Airbus philosophy has made a great contribution to air safety. The… Continue reading A personal reflection on the AF447 accident

Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Mike Russo – Looking back on a lifetime in aviation Mike, lead principal engineer and Executive Secretary of the AEEC has recently retired from Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC). What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a kid? I grew up in a rural family with limited means and there were not that many… Continue reading Interesting people, unusual flight plans…

Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!

Few parts of aircraft have evolved as little as the communications capability. OK, we no longer use tubes in the radios but other than that, the VHF AM system is as legacy as they come. To add insult to injury, when the shortage of frequencies in the aviation band finally forced the industry to do… Continue reading Passengers are not the only ones who need good communications – pilots do too!

A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3

Pioneers to the rescue In spite of the positive business case, airspace users were not exactly rushing to equip with air/ground digital link. Because of the slow down of traffic growth in the wake of 9/11, the expected ACARS problems did not materialize and the ATC frequency congestion was also pushed far into the future.… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3

A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 2

The clash of VDL Mode 4 and VDL Mode 2 Following years of testing and discussions on countless forums, VDL Mode 2 was emerging as the solution that, combined with the ATN protocol, could support the initial implementation of Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. There was nothing else it could do but it had a… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 2

A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1

Introduction Talking to a group of young controllers the other day I suddenly realized that Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications (CPDLC) and its enabler, air/ground digital link were a kind of given for them… Their centre has either already implemented it or had plans for it and while their opinion diverged on the usefulness of… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1