If you are a bird flying over Europe, finding yourself slowly being roasted by radars is not something unexpected. In an effort to achieve radar coverage that is at least double and in view of the fragmented nature of the air traffic management system, this effort has resulted in triple+ coverage in some places. This… Continue reading Radars… the end is near. Hopefully.
Tag: ADS-B
Garmin Leads the Way to ADS-B Future
Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd., the global leader in satellite navigation, has announced a comprehensive suite of certified and portable ADS-B solutions, providing options for any aircraft owner to satisfy the U.S. NextGen mandate for ADS-B Out and also gain immediate access to the benefits of ADS-B In, including high-integrity traffic and subscription-free… Continue reading Garmin Leads the Way to ADS-B Future
Surveillance – Rent, do not buy
Ever since air traffic control was first invented, the idea that the organizations providing air traffic services must own and operate most of the facilities (communications, surveillance and so on) they require was part and parcel of their concept of existence. Air navigation service providers the world over were convinced, with some justification, that only… Continue reading Surveillance – Rent, do not buy
An Opportunity We Should not Miss!
I was talking to an old time, well respected colleague the other day discussing his view that instead of forcing the industry to implement yet another expensive capability, full use should be made of what was already there… Once the benefits start to accrue, airspace users would be much more inclined to take the extra… Continue reading An Opportunity We Should not Miss!
Old habits that refuse to die
Things like the Single European Sky (SES), SESAR, even the FABs were supposed to bring a fresh air to European ATM, dispensing once and for all with bad habits and procedures that kept making life for airspace users unnecessarily hard and expensive. Among those old habits, the persistent mismatch between mandates to equip aircraft and… Continue reading Old habits that refuse to die
Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles – 2011 (ESAV '11)
Island of Capri, Italy 12-14 September 2011 Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems and airport systems are rapidly evolving to meet increased efficiency, safety, security, environmental and business demands. A deep evolution with radical changes of the current Air Traffic Management System is going on both in Europe, with the SESAR program, and in the USA… Continue reading Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles – 2011 (ESAV '11)
Big brother in the sky
Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) is only now starting to make inroads as a surveillance means more accurate and cost-effective than traditional radar. With the ground infrastructure slowly being built, someone has already come up with a new idea: why not put the ADS-B receivers on satellites and start a surveillance service that covers… Continue reading Big brother in the sky
FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
Low-cost carriers are not known for their willingness to pay for extra equipment that may be required to improve air traffic management. In this respect they are very much similar to their legacy brethren… Even when there is a clear business case, the mad rush to equip is usually conspicuous by its absence. There are… Continue reading FAA Funds ADS-B for JetBlue
The Story of Alpha Mike (Part 2)
The Road to Becoming an En-route Air Traffic Controller To continue with my story, let me just go back to that time when, in 1981, I received an Order transferring me to the Manila Area Control Center (ACC), eight years after I graduated from an air traffic control training course. The ATC staffing crisis –… Continue reading The Story of Alpha Mike (Part 2)
New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe
Most of those who took part in the epic battle over the introduction of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) have either retired, moved to other activities or flew west to greener pastures but I guess there is still a hard core who will remember how the airspace users lost that one to the three big… Continue reading New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe