Very possibly I am risking my job by broadcasting my pain, but I am unable to keep myself from doing it. I guess any reader would do the same thing if he were to be stripped of his home but still forced to continue living there. This complicated frame of mind is exactly what I… Continue reading Painful regrets… The Transformation of Ferihegy in Words and Pictures.
Tag: airline
Low-fare summer, low-fare Ferihegy
Well, we are over one more summer. The sinking of Ferihegy took a new turn when after about ten years of operation, Terminal 1 once more closed its gates. Since traffic at Terminal 2 dropped precipitously following the sad demise of Malev earlier this year, this was an unavoidable step. Low-fare airlines were moved to… Continue reading Low-fare summer, low-fare Ferihegy
New Airline for Hungary… Dreamers or Lunatics?
Hungary is in dire straights these days. A government with two-thirds majority in parliament having declared a fight for freedom and the desire not to be a colony of the European Union (yes, there are such weirdoes in the world), the economy in ruins and capital fleeing the sinking ship, their national airline, Malev was… Continue reading New Airline for Hungary… Dreamers or Lunatics?
Let’s make a new airline… A business plan for BlueSky Air?
It did not take long after Malev, the Hungarian national airline stopped operations a few months ago that experts started to think about making a new one. An airline that would carry on the Malev tradition but be more of a commercial venture, hopefully able to stand on its own in the cut-throat environment of… Continue reading Let’s make a new airline… A business plan for BlueSky Air?
Bluenose Airways – A new airline for Hungary?
The news about the failure of Malev, the Hungarian airline, was still hot on the wires when members of the Malev family were already scheming to get their beloved airline back. Of course first they, like the families of other failed airlines before them, had to face the indignity of seeing the Malev fleet grounded… Continue reading Bluenose Airways – A new airline for Hungary?
Is There Life After the National Airline?
There used to be a time when each country had an airline and it was called the flag carrier. Some countries had more than one airline, but generally only one of them was recognized as the “flag carrier”. Those were the times when States regulated flights between their cities and more often than not, connections… Continue reading Is There Life After the National Airline?
First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011
At the biggest international Air Traffic Management exhibition, ATC Global being held this week in Amsterdam, the SESAR Joint Undertaking presents the first components of the future European ATM system. The aim of this first SESAR Release is to group projects and validation exercises and to start delivering together with the 49 SESAR members and… Continue reading First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011
Classifying Homo Sapiens Traveleris
I don’t know about you but whenever possible, I like to be at the airport early. Once you are through security, airports can be such fun places! I am not talking about the shops and restaurants, they are there to take your money while in fact there is much better fun close at hand… and… Continue reading Classifying Homo Sapiens Traveleris
Is SESAR doing what the airlines intended?
Exclusive interview with Dr. Henning Hartmann Today we bring you an exclusive interview with Dr. Henning Hartmann, who was, during the SESAR Definition Phase with Lufthansa German Airlines and representing the Airspace Users, he was also the person responsible for the development of the SESAR Concept of Operations (ConOps). He will give us his views… Continue reading Is SESAR doing what the airlines intended?
TITAN stakeholder workshop – 17 March 2010
TITAN is an EC 7th Framework project and the acronym stands for “Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network”. As its name suggests, TITAN is looking at ways of optimizing the turnaround process while integrating it in trajectory based, net-centric operations. The Workshop held in Brussels on 17 March 2010 had two objectives: on the one… Continue reading TITAN stakeholder workshop – 17 March 2010