The shortest route to HNL There are many ways of flying from Brussels to Honolulu and the travel time is in excess of twenty hours in all cases. You might say that it does not matter since no sane person would want to do a trip like that in one stretch but in case you… Continue reading Via bends and kinks to Honolulu
Tag: airlines
Brussels Airlines 737 starts take-off roll with flaps retracted
Last Thursday, 22 April was notable for the fact that after the long disruption caused by the volcanic cloud over Europe, traffic was finally getting back to normal. Brussels Airlines flight SN2901 Brussels-Vienna was still at the gate shortly before 0710a, its schedules departure time, with both the aircraft door and the cockpit door still… Continue reading Brussels Airlines 737 starts take-off roll with flaps retracted
A propos volcano – Are we preparing for the wrong things?
It is amazing how easy it is to bring aviation to its knees. An errant volcano on Iceland, winds blowing in the wrong direction and air transportation in Europe and beyond comes to a grinding halt as country after country closes their airspace to protect the traveling public. Volcanic ash is very bad news for… Continue reading A propos volcano – Are we preparing for the wrong things?