Staying at the Airport Hotel – Budapest

Our latest business opportunities call for an increasing amount of travel, among them to Budapest, Hungary. Budapest is special in more ways than one, including the fact that it is my birth city and coming back even if for a short time is always a pleasure. Last week’s trip was a combined business/holiday affair and… Continue reading Staying at the Airport Hotel – Budapest

When airline, airport and passenger interests collide and cause delays

No matter how much I travel and no matter how bad the airport travel experience is getting as a result of increased security, I still like airports and the walk from the taxi rank to the gate. Negotiating the various artificial obstacles erected to keep the bad guys out, I always bless the inventors of… Continue reading When airline, airport and passenger interests collide and cause delays

TITAN stakeholder workshop – 17 March 2010

TITAN is an EC 7th Framework project and the acronym stands for “Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network”. As its name suggests, TITAN is looking at ways of optimizing the turnaround process while integrating it in trajectory based, net-centric operations. The Workshop held in Brussels on 17 March 2010 had two objectives: on the one… Continue reading TITAN stakeholder workshop – 17 March 2010

New directions for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)

What exactly is CDM? Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is not a new concept. It is being practiced to a certain degree both in the US and in Europe, focus being on en-route in the former and airports in the latter. Mature as the concept may be, surprisingly we still see experts who seem to believe… Continue reading New directions for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)

Dream factories…

If someone said to you: Airports are dream factories. Would  you believe it? If your reply is “yes”, you are like me, deeply  in love  with aviation and you do not need to read on. But if you respond with an unimaginative NO, read further and let me prove you wrong.