States should be Made to Pay

When I read about the Paris-Toulouse flight conducted by Air France to show how much CO2 emission they can save by optimized air traffic management including continuous descent approaches, my immediate reaction was not happiness about saving the planet. No sir, my reaction was: here is the best source of funds to pay ATM developments… Continue reading States should be Made to Pay

Commission Report Puts the Lie to Claims that ATM is in Great Shape

Regular readers of Roger-Wilco know that we have been sounding alarm bells over the European ATM situation and the even brighter future that some reports would make us believe is just around the corner. We did not make many friends with this kind of reporting… of course. It is much nicer to believe that all… Continue reading Commission Report Puts the Lie to Claims that ATM is in Great Shape

Airbus to support FAA Greener Skies Initiative with ATM expertise

Airbus has been selected to provide Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Performance Based Navigation (PBN) expertise for the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Greener Skies Initiative. As part of Boeing’s FAA System Engineering 2020 (SE-2020) team, Airbus will identify procedures which fully utilize aircraft precision navigation capabilities to reduce fuel burn, lower emissions and decrease noise.… Continue reading Airbus to support FAA Greener Skies Initiative with ATM expertise

NextGen and SESAR – is this a race???

For the past several years news from the US repeatedly mentioned how the FAA was teetering on the brink of running out of money while Congress was debating the so-called FAA reauthorization bill. At one point the Agency actually shut down for a few days while extra funds were made available for them. Of course… Continue reading NextGen and SESAR – is this a race???

Outdated Mentality Slows ATM Progress

I am sure Jane’s Airport Review will forgive me for picking the title of one of their articles but it was so stunning, I could not resist the temptation. It looks like October was a month of bad news from the world of ATM and I am starting to get a terrible feeling of déjà vu…… Continue reading Outdated Mentality Slows ATM Progress

Technologists vs. Economists

It is not a secret that some people considered Boeing’s decision to forego the New Small Aircraft and follow Airbus’ lead in re-engining their existing product a poor one and something that will delay the appearance of a really novel aircraft by a decade if not more. I must confess that I am one of… Continue reading Technologists vs. Economists

Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?

In any conversation about satellite navigation and the use of enablers like GPS, talk inevitably shifts to the risks and the ease with which GPS for instance can be jammed. It is easy to sketch doomsday scenarios with a full-scale GPS outage once NextGen and SESAR are operational, making the industry essentially dependent on signals… Continue reading Alternate Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) – What is this?

Air Traffic Control – Your Safety in the Air? Or something more…

Back in the early 70s I was the vice-president of the Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (HATCA) and we were busy searching for a good slogan for the association. In the end, we decided to use an adapted version of the slogan put out by the Canadians: “Air Traffic Control means you will have a… Continue reading Air Traffic Control – Your Safety in the Air? Or something more…

It is not easy to work with the airlines – Why the SJU should be careful

Having airspace users on board in SESAR is an important development by anyone’s measure. Thinking that having individual airlines involved is the same as having the industry involved is a grave mistake that can cost dearly to all concerned. The signs of trouble are already there. What do you think about there being a hard-won… Continue reading It is not easy to work with the airlines – Why the SJU should be careful

When is a FAB not a FAB?

We have written quite a lot about the Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB), their dangers and their impact on SESAR. Although these days most everything is claimed to be happening in the context of the various FABs, the picture is far from ideal. It is not unusual to hear in meetings or in discussions with various… Continue reading When is a FAB not a FAB?