It is really amazing how things go full circle and if you wait long enough, history repeat itself… even in air traffic management terms. There will be some amongst our readers who still remember how the saga of air/ground digital link began in the late 80s, early 90s. Back then, at about the same time,… Continue reading The big ACARS scare, air/ground digital link and the iPad. What is the connection?
Tag: ATN
If the European Commission’s Implementing Rule is not enough to jump-start data link, what is?
At the recent meeting of the Project Steering Group on Data Link, it was revealed that some States will not be able to meet the 7 February 2013 date by which “all LINK Region ANSPs shall have implemented an operational compliant system”. One State actually reported that they will not be ready before 2019! The… Continue reading If the European Commission’s Implementing Rule is not enough to jump-start data link, what is?
Effective Data Communications for NextGen
Beneficial Capabilities Air traffic service (ATS) data communications provide benefits in terms of increased airspace capacity and improved operational efficiency while also enhancing the existing high level of safety. • Increased airspace capacity. In continental/domestic airspace, capacity is primarily increased through basic controller-pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) that reduce controller and flight crew workload as well… Continue reading Effective Data Communications for NextGen
DCIS – What is this?
It was a sunny and warm afternoon when American Airlines captain Russ Chew, IATA European Regional Director Phil Hogge and myself sat down in the little garden behind our house in Brussels to discuss AA’s dissatisfaction with the way the FAA was going about its air/ground digital link program and how AA may participate in… Continue reading DCIS – What is this?
American Airlines in Chapter 11 Protection – Memories of Another Day
It was a sunny afternoon in Brussels when we gathered with Russ Chew of American Airlines and my boss from IATA in our little garden in Zaventem to discuss how to proceed with the implementation of air/ground digital link and controller/pilot digital link communications (CPDLC). American was deeply unhappy with the way the FAA was… Continue reading American Airlines in Chapter 11 Protection – Memories of Another Day
Every so often I wake with a splitting headache which is bad enough as it tends to persist the whole day… Even worse however is the rather somber view I have at times like that of our beloved aviation world. When I think of airports, I see not the runways and the aircraft parked at… Continue reading Headache
A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3
Pioneers to the rescue In spite of the positive business case, airspace users were not exactly rushing to equip with air/ground digital link. Because of the slow down of traffic growth in the wake of 9/11, the expected ACARS problems did not materialize and the ATC frequency congestion was also pushed far into the future.… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3
A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 2
The clash of VDL Mode 4 and VDL Mode 2 Following years of testing and discussions on countless forums, VDL Mode 2 was emerging as the solution that, combined with the ATN protocol, could support the initial implementation of Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications. There was nothing else it could do but it had a… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 2
A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1
Introduction Talking to a group of young controllers the other day I suddenly realized that Controller Pilot Digital Link Communications (CPDLC) and its enabler, air/ground digital link were a kind of given for them… Their centre has either already implemented it or had plans for it and while their opinion diverged on the usefulness of… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 1