Are Brussels Airlines and Brussels Airport loosing it?

I have written in the past about the curious happenings that seem to affect Brussels Airlines’ flights from Vienna. You can read about them here and here. Last Friday however I got proof that flights TO Vienna can also be jinxed… Sadly, the event I am about to relate to you also shows that collaborative… Continue reading Are Brussels Airlines and Brussels Airport loosing it?

Brussels – CDM airport daylight hours only??

Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is a vital element of the new air traffic management paradigm (you can read more about CDM in Roger-Wilco’s CDM category). Some airports in Europe are leading CDM implementation, among them Brussels. One would expect that operations at a CDM airport do not have to contend any more with such basic… Continue reading Brussels – CDM airport daylight hours only??

Screwing up the boarding process the Brussels Airlines way

It is so much fun flying these days! Getting to the airport, struggling through security, navigating the intricate web of shops and eateries while waiting for the gate to be posted are just the small pleasures you get for the exorbitant service fees you are charged over and above the “cheap” airline ticket. But fly… Continue reading Screwing up the boarding process the Brussels Airlines way

Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

The shortest route to HNL There are many ways of flying from Brussels to Honolulu and the travel time is in excess of twenty hours in all cases. You might say that it does not matter since no sane person would want to do a trip like that in one stretch but in case you… Continue reading Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

Work hard, fly right, the motto of Continental Airlines.

The case of an overbooked flight – the two sides of a coin It was the last day of our holidays and travel plans called for taking a Continental 737-800 from San Francisco to Newark where we would change to a Continental 767-400 bound for Brussels. The flight from SFO was uneventful and the five… Continue reading Work hard, fly right, the motto of Continental Airlines.

Brussels Airlines 737 starts take-off roll with flaps retracted

Last Thursday, 22 April was notable for the fact that after the long disruption caused by the volcanic cloud over Europe, traffic was finally getting back to normal. Brussels Airlines flight SN2901 Brussels-Vienna was still at the gate shortly before 0710a, its schedules departure time, with both the aircraft door and the cockpit door still… Continue reading Brussels Airlines 737 starts take-off roll with flaps retracted

Anniversary – Airbus A380 first flight

5 year anniversary on 27 April 2005 After many decades of being the biggest passenger aircraft on the planet, the 747 had to cede its unique position to the Airbus A380 who took to the air for the first time at 10:28:23 on 27 April 2005 from Toulouse Blagnac Airport, Airbus’ home base. Development of… Continue reading Anniversary – Airbus A380 first flight