Meet EDA – The Efficient Descent Advisor

You will have heard of Tailored Arrivals… they are nice and work well but they often also need to be broken off prematurely when conflicts between aircraft arise. Now here is a tool that pre-empts the conflicts and releases the full power of tailored arrivals. Meet EDA, the Efficient Descent Advisor being developed by NASA.… Continue reading Meet EDA – The Efficient Descent Advisor

First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011

At the biggest international Air Traffic Management exhibition, ATC Global being held this week in Amsterdam, the SESAR Joint Undertaking presents the first components of the future European ATM system. The aim of this first SESAR Release is to group projects and validation exercises and to start delivering together with the 49 SESAR members and… Continue reading First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011

Aircraft Operational Fuel Savings & Noise Reduction – Past and Future

The way pilots fly their aircraft can have a significant effect on the economics, fuel consumption and environmental performance of their airline. Many airlines and Air Navigation Service Providers are working on Constant Descent Approaches (CDAs) but to do these it is necessary to have well motivated pilots, good operating procedures and efficient ATM procedures.… Continue reading Aircraft Operational Fuel Savings & Noise Reduction – Past and Future