Innovation for a sustainable aviation in a global environment The sixth European Aeronautics Days will take place from 30 March to 1 April 2011 in Madrid, following its successful predecessor events that took place in Brussels (1991), Naples (1993), Toulouse (1997), Hamburg (2001) and Vienna (2006). The event will bring together aeronautics stakeholders, ministries, agencies… Continue reading Aerodays 2011 – Sixth European Aeronautics Days
Aircraft based tools in the fight against runway incursions
Aircraft-based airport surface traffic indications and alerting systems This is an edited version of the presentation made at the recent ESAVS 2010 conference by Doug Arbuckle of the FAA. Coauthors of the paper were David E. Gray of FAA, Peter Moertl of Mitre Corporation and Jim Duke of SAIC. You can download the original text of… Continue reading Aircraft based tools in the fight against runway incursions