Causes of Push-Back-Delays in the courtyards of Frankfurt Airport

The Lufthansa flight to Miami leaving from Frankfurt Airport’s terminal 1 – area A/B has been delayed. The flight has not received permission to get rolled onto the runway by the push back vehicles because a plane leaving for Rome just left its gate 10 minutes late and another plane arriving from Berlin needs to… Continue reading Causes of Push-Back-Delays in the courtyards of Frankfurt Airport

Are Brussels Airlines and Brussels Airport loosing it?

I have written in the past about the curious happenings that seem to affect Brussels Airlines’ flights from Vienna. You can read about them here and here. Last Friday however I got proof that flights TO Vienna can also be jinxed… Sadly, the event I am about to relate to you also shows that collaborative… Continue reading Are Brussels Airlines and Brussels Airport loosing it?

Classifying Homo Sapiens Traveleris

I don’t know about you but whenever possible, I like to be at the airport early. Once you are through security, airports can be such fun places! I am not talking about the shops and restaurants, they are there to take your money while in fact there is much better fun close at hand… and… Continue reading Classifying Homo Sapiens Traveleris

Why lower delays are a problem for developments in air traffic management – a diabolical reality

Aviation is a cyclical business and it is only recently that airlines are managing, to a certain extent, to smooth the worst of the boom and bust swings. In the past, aircraft were ordered at a prodigious rate when business was booming only to see the additional capacity materialize exactly when business started to go… Continue reading Why lower delays are a problem for developments in air traffic management – a diabolical reality

Surprise in Vienna – When the system really fails

Brussels Airlines flight SN2908 is the evening counterpart of SN2901, the red-eye Brussels-Vienna flight that takes you to that magnificent city in time for a meeting that can start as early as 10.00 and conclude as late as 18.00 since SN2908 will bring you home comfortably. The only trouble with SN2908 is that it is… Continue reading Surprise in Vienna – When the system really fails