Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Dummies – IBM eBook 2nd Limited Edition (free download)

If you are following SESAR or NextGen for that matter, you will have come accross the abbreviation SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). A lot of discussion is being generated on the subject in the air traffic management world, not least because SOA has never really been applied in ATM before.  If the experts have a problem figuring… Continue reading Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Dummies – IBM eBook 2nd Limited Edition (free download)

SWIM – Institutional aspects first and foremost

Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine has recently published a very interesting article with the title “Integration Nightmares”. It is about the problems planners and engineers are facing in integrating the battlefield “system of systems”. As the author reports, high level military planners do not like to pay to solve complexity… Researchers have to weave… Continue reading SWIM – Institutional aspects first and foremost