Although the TITAN project was to have ended in November 2012, we are now happy to announce that a three months extension was granted by the commission. The original aims had been reached on time and all the deliverables were completed, however, some of the originally agreed budget was still available and it was decided… Continue reading TITAN extended by three months
Tag: EC
2013 – Another year of failures?
It is customary to look back at the end of the year to take stock and then to make all kinds of promises to ourselves for the new year… Promises that we seldom keep. European air traffic management had a tumultuous year culminating in grumbling by the airspace users on a previously unheard scale and… Continue reading 2013 – Another year of failures?
Airline industry condemns EU Member States on lack of progress on FABs to date
The Association of European Airlines (AEA), the European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA), the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) and the International Air Carrier Association (IACA) are united in condemning EU Member States for their reluctance to properly implement Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs), a key ingredient for the successful delivery of Single European Sky II… Continue reading Airline industry condemns EU Member States on lack of progress on FABs to date
If the European Commission’s Implementing Rule is not enough to jump-start data link, what is?
At the recent meeting of the Project Steering Group on Data Link, it was revealed that some States will not be able to meet the 7 February 2013 date by which “all LINK Region ANSPs shall have implemented an operational compliant system”. One State actually reported that they will not be ready before 2019! The… Continue reading If the European Commission’s Implementing Rule is not enough to jump-start data link, what is?
The Single European Sky: 10 years on and still not delivering
We bring you here, in full and unedited, the speech of Mr. Siim Kallas, European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport delivered at the Single European Sky conference at Limassol, Cyprus, on 11 October 2012. As Editor of Roger-Wilco, I would only like to add a few words: how many times have we warned that… Continue reading The Single European Sky: 10 years on and still not delivering
TITAN Final Workshop Announced
The final TITAN Workshop will be held on 21 November 2012 in Palma de Mallorca. Details of the workshop will be promulgated in October, however, if you are interested in participating, please send a message with your details by clicking here. The TITAN project has analyzed the current turnaround process to detect gaps and to study… Continue reading TITAN Final Workshop Announced
European Air Traffic Management – A historic clash of concept and politics
Although you would never know it from reading the rather upbeat communications from the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) and SESAR folks, ATM in Europe is heading towards some major turbulence. That the EC’s Single Sky Committee very nearly managed to kick the deadline of meeting the Single Sky (SES) high-level goals a further 13 years… Continue reading European Air Traffic Management – A historic clash of concept and politics
An Air Traffic Management Master Plan with Question Marks
If you follow European air traffic management developments, you will have noticed in the news that the ATM Master Plan is undergoing a significant update and the SESAR ATM Master Plan portal promises to have new information on this by mid-2012. About now that is… There was less discussion about interesting events surrounding the Master… Continue reading An Air Traffic Management Master Plan with Question Marks
European ATM Blasted Again
One of the many yardsticks you can use to measure the passage of time is the frequency you encounter air traffic management experts who stare at you as if you were from the moon when you mention EATCHIP or ATM2000+. Yes, there is a whole new generation of experts working at the air navigation service… Continue reading European ATM Blasted Again
The FAB Saga. 2012 Edition.
2012 is a significant year for the European Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB). Namely, they must all be fully operational by December this year. All nine of them. Let’s have a quick look at these things to get a good overview of their status and impact. First and foremost I think one needs to clarify that if… Continue reading The FAB Saga. 2012 Edition.