Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?

That the EC meant well when they originally came up with the idea of Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) is not in question. That they did not anticipate the monster they were creating can be put down to the engaging naivety of someone venturing into the jungle of European air traffic management for the first time.… Continue reading Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?

Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – EC White Paper

For many years now aviation lived under the shadow of demands that envisaged solving environmental and congestion problems by capping aviation growth. Misguided and economically damaging as this idea was, it was getting traction in various fora in Europe, sending shivers across the industry. With the publication of the EC White Paper entitled “Roadmap to… Continue reading Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – EC White Paper

European ATM failing… again?

It is almost boring these days how every possible forum, from LinkedIn to Air Traffic Management Magazine, is full of awe-struck articles about the Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) and ANSP alliances. Subtly or not so subtly they all seem to suggest that this is now what ATM needs and this is how problems will be… Continue reading European ATM failing… again?

BLUE MED FAB Newsletter Number 2 now available

BLUE MED is the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) being put together by the States in the Mediterranean Sea area and their naturally sunny disposition is amply reflected in their newsletters, of which the second is now available. FABs are exciting because the idea pre-dates SESAR and when we created the SESAR Concept of Operations it… Continue reading BLUE MED FAB Newsletter Number 2 now available

DSNA CEO says SESAR CONOPS was built on FABs from day one…

No Sir, it was NOT!!!! If ATC Global Insight is to be believed, Mr. Maurice Georges, CEO of French DSNA, said in Amsterdam that “The SESAR operational concept has been built on FABs from day one.” Well, I do not know which SESAR operational concept they use in France but the concept we wrote and… Continue reading DSNA CEO says SESAR CONOPS was built on FABs from day one…

Successful Second Workshop Held by TITAN

The 7th Framework program TITAN, dealing with optimizing the aircraft turnaround process held its second workshop on 22 February, in Madrid, Spain. The interest in the subject was amply demonstrated by how well this event was attended at a time when it is not easy to get travel authorization in most organizations. Handling agents, airports,… Continue reading Successful Second Workshop Held by TITAN

CRDS Rising from the Ashes

Few of our readers will still remember the original goal of EUROCONTROL… It was to have been THE European air traffic control organization. Nice dream it was and we all know what happened. More recently there was CEATS, the Central European Air Traffic Services Program which was a bit like a Phoenix, the original EUROCONTROL… Continue reading CRDS Rising from the Ashes

New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe

Most of those who took part in the epic battle over the introduction of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) have either retired, moved to other activities or flew west to greener pastures but I guess there is still a hard core who will remember how the airspace users lost that one to the three big… Continue reading New clouds on the Mode-S/ADS-B horizon in Europe

Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – New category on Roger-Wilco

FABs may be the highest political priority for the European Commission and they certainly are the source of high flying political statements, but I still do not like them. Why? Well, the idea when it first came up was a good one. At the time, functional fragmentation of air traffic management in Europe was costing… Continue reading Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – New category on Roger-Wilco

Incentives for Early Airborne CPDLC Equipage

The LINK 2000+ programme has been working on the definition of incentives schemes for early airborne equipage since 2005. Various creative schemes were explored with stakeholders, such as reduced route charges for those that equip early. However, it proved impossible to get stakeholders to commit to such schemes even though the principles of the route… Continue reading Incentives for Early Airborne CPDLC Equipage