Anniversary – The fall of the Berlin Wall

20 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 2009 Roger-Wilco deals with politics only in as much as it is aero-politics so you may wonder why we would include in our list of anniversaries the fall of the Berlin Wall now 20 years ago on 9 November 1989. As you will… Continue reading Anniversary – The fall of the Berlin Wall

A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3

Pioneers to the rescue In spite of the positive business case, airspace users were not exactly rushing to equip with air/ground digital link. Because of the slow down of traffic growth in the wake of 9/11, the expected ACARS problems did not materialize and the ATC frequency congestion was also pushed far into the future.… Continue reading A short (unofficial) history of air/ground digital link – 3