Storm rising?

If you read the official communiqués from SESAR and EUROCONTROL, it is easy to be lulled into the perception that all is well on the European air traffic management front and we are more than ready to face any sudden jump in traffic demand. If, on the other hand, you listen to the jungle telegraph… Continue reading Storm rising?

Harmonized Transition Altitude for Europe – EASA A-NPA open for comments

Following completion of the HETA TF work aimed at creating a Regulatory Impact Assessment for the introduction of a harmonized transition altitude for Europe, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published an Advance Notice of Proposed Amendment (A-NPA 2012-01) Harmonised Transition Altitude, which is now open for comments. You will find this A-NPA on… Continue reading Harmonized Transition Altitude for Europe – EASA A-NPA open for comments

The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) – why the fuss?

All matters environmental are sensitive and aviation has been in the cross-hairs of the environmental lobby for a long time. Somehow the substantial improvements already made and those in the pipeline have not generated the level of interest they deserve. The fact that the still hopelessly inefficient air traffic management system in places like Europe… Continue reading The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) – why the fuss?

When Titans speak

Mid-March Aviation Week published a double interview in which Canso director general Graham Lake and Air Traffic Control Association president/CEO Peter F. Dumont spoke their minds about air traffic management developments on both sides of the Atlantic. The interviews were refreshing and revealing. They both spoke about the prospects of SESAR and NextGen frankly and… Continue reading When Titans speak

Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?

That the EC meant well when they originally came up with the idea of Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) is not in question. That they did not anticipate the monster they were creating can be put down to the engaging naivety of someone venturing into the jungle of European air traffic management for the first time.… Continue reading Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – the EC’s biggest blunder?

FAB brings European diversity into SESAR – the one thing we were all waiting for?

The latest issue of ATC Global Insight was nothing if not extremely entertaining. In a previous article Steve described why the reported claim of DSNA’s boss about SESAR having been built on FABs is total nonsense. But it seems there was more… Insight tells us that Mr. Georges assured his audience that “FAB will bring European… Continue reading FAB brings European diversity into SESAR – the one thing we were all waiting for?

First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011

At the biggest international Air Traffic Management exhibition, ATC Global being held this week in Amsterdam, the SESAR Joint Undertaking presents the first components of the future European ATM system. The aim of this first SESAR Release is to group projects and validation exercises and to start delivering together with the 49 SESAR members and… Continue reading First concrete SESAR achievements in 2011

Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – New category on Roger-Wilco

FABs may be the highest political priority for the European Commission and they certainly are the source of high flying political statements, but I still do not like them. Why? Well, the idea when it first came up was a good one. At the time, functional fragmentation of air traffic management in Europe was costing… Continue reading Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) – New category on Roger-Wilco

Shorter night routes in FABEC – is this an achievement?

Working in air traffic management on occasion one gets the impression that a lot of people have very short memories. Take for instance the proud announcement from FABEC (Functional Airspace Block Europe Central) to the effect that as part of the harmonization of European airspace, shorter night routes are being offered on 115 cross-border connections.… Continue reading Shorter night routes in FABEC – is this an achievement?