NSA training initiative program

News from EUROCONTROL’s aviation safety knowledge base SKYbrary. The European Commission’s drive to create a Single European Sky (SES) – where harmonized rules and procedures are utilized across all States – has generated a range of new regulatory rules for both States and ANSPs, many of which necessitate changes in working methods. ANS providers must… Continue reading NSA training initiative program

An old enemy – radiation fog

News from EUROCONTROL’s aviation safety knowledge base SKYbrary. As winter approaches in Northern Europe, the risk of Radiation Fog, on a cloudless night, especially within a high pressure system, is increasing. Close monitoring of Dew Point and Temperature difference, and trends over previous days will give an insight into the likelihood of fog which may… Continue reading An old enemy – radiation fog

CANSO joins ACI-Europe and EUROCONTROL to accelerate A-CDM roll-out

The threat of climate change, the global economic crisis and the resulting changes in the structure of the European aviation market have led to a renewed focus on efficiency and performance for Europe’s airports. In October 2008, ACI EUROPE and EUROCONTROL signed a collaboration to increase operational efficiencies at European airports. This collaboration revolves around… Continue reading CANSO joins ACI-Europe and EUROCONTROL to accelerate A-CDM roll-out

Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

The shortest route to HNL There are many ways of flying from Brussels to Honolulu and the travel time is in excess of twenty hours in all cases. You might say that it does not matter since no sane person would want to do a trip like that in one stretch but in case you… Continue reading Via bends and kinks to Honolulu

Are ATM operational concepts the cause of failure?

I have known Jean-Marc Garot, the former director of EUROCONTROL’s Experimental Centre in Paris for a long time. A forward thinker and in many ways a visionary, he retired from EUROCONTROL in 2005. He has now published an interesting article in The Controller magazine with the title “What is an ATM concept?” I think everyone… Continue reading Are ATM operational concepts the cause of failure?

Why airlines are reluctant to SWIM

In the air traffic management context, System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is an accepted concept and in fact SWIM is considered as one of the most important mainstays of both SESAR in Europe and NextGen in the USA. SWIM attained this status through the widespread recognition that the lack of information and the poor management… Continue reading Why airlines are reluctant to SWIM